『ミルティナ』EvilFall Outfit Pack for Milltina v1.03
- ダウンロード商品EvilFall Fox¥ 1,600
- ダウンロード商品EvilFall Outfit¥ 1,600
- ダウンロード商品EvilFall Fox&Outfit¥ 3,000
因为看到了非常诱人的乳房,所以为她专门做了额外的适配,喜欢你能喜欢。包含EvilFall outufit 和 EvilFall Fox 2套服装。可以通过下面的网络链接查看完整的服装介绍。 **这套服装因为来自于其他玩家订购的额外适配服务,所以并不包括在之前购买的【all access】版本中** Extra adaptations were made specifically for her because of the very tantalizing breasts I saw, love that you can enjoy them. Includes 2 costumes for EvilFall outufit and EvilFall Fox. The full costume descriptions can be viewed via the web links below. **This outfit is from extra adaption service ordered by other players, so would not be incluuded in the [all access] pack** 非常に魅力的なバストが見られるため、彼女のために特別に作られた追加アダプテーションをお楽しみください。 EvilFall outufitとEvilFall Foxの2つのコスチュームが含まれています。 完全なコスチュームの説明は以下のリンクから見ることができます。 **この衣装は他のプレイヤーが注文した追加適応サービスからのものであるため、[オールアクセス]パックには含まれません。** 【複数アバター対応】EvilFall Outfit 恶堕战斗员套装 v1.16 https://yaoklisub.booth.pm/items/5813657 【複数アバター対応】EvilFall Fox Set 恶堕战斗员_狐 v1.0 https://yaoklisub.booth.pm/items/6385258 Extra Adaption Service 额外Avatar适配服务 https://yaoklisub.booth.pm/items/6338969 使用Requirement liltoon shader https://booth.pm/ja/items/3087170 Avatar https://booth.pm/zh-cn/items/6538026 【期間限定セール】オリジナル3Dモデル『ミルティナ』 导入使用How to import Modular Avatar https://modular-avatar.nadena.dev/ja Please Also read [SetupIntroduction使用指南] for details EvilFall Outfit 同梱物 included thing unitypackage file: 1. fbx and material 2. prefabe with MA script.I also add menu and animation for the outfit. It should wokr most time...unless your bone change a lot to the size. 3. Menu icon and control FX 4. PS files to change the texture. 5. Q&A file to help you solve the problem during set up 6. Replaced Dick with DPS and SPS support. EvilFall Fox 同梱物 included thing 1. UnityPackage for material and weapon 2. UnityPackage with Avatar Armor and bodysuit material. Also a sample scene as example and full prefabe. 3. PS file for screen edition 4. Introduction file for weapon control and setup Blendshape 1. EvilFall Outfit Only supply breast cow blendshape Shrink elbow and feet is required. BodyAnimationFix prefabe is used to add blendshape automatically. If you do not need it, please remove it. 2. EvilFall Fox All breast supply. Heel is set to 50 条款: Please see VN3 of original outfit link 更新履歴 2025/2/12 Evil Fall V2 Fox v1.03 Add Hip bone and weight to the fbx and prefabe now. For Milltina v1.01 2025/2/12 Evil Fall V2 Fox v1.02 Evil Fall V1 outfit v1.166 Prepare New fbx and prefabe for Milltina v1.01 Add more leg blendshape to it now. 2025/2/3 V2 fox v1.01 fix mesh cliping and face mask cliping V1 outfit v1.161 fix a missed hip tube constraints 2025/2/2 v1.0 ・販売開始 Contact YaokiSub https://twitter.com/Yaokiiii Discord: yaoki1883 Discord link: https://discord.gg/tScPrD2THU