EvilFall EyeMask/悪堕用 洗脳目隠し/恶堕洗脑眼罩
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使用Requirement liltoon shader https://booth.pm/ja/items/3087170 导入使用How to import Modular Avatar https://modular-avatar.nadena.dev/ja Credit: ThatFatKidsMom https://booth.pm/zh-cn/items/4233946 介绍 Introduction 恶堕战斗员的开胃小菜,当然是自带催眠音频的洗脑眼罩。内置用AI合成的催眠音频,帮助你做一个合格的恶堕战斗员。当然,你也可以用恶堕光环来洗脑你的朋友,一起变成恶堕战斗员。 之后会继续制作全身着装的恶堕装备,敬请期待。 The appetizer for the fallen combatants is, of course, the brainwashing eye mask with its own hypnotic audio. It has built-in hypnotic audio synthesized by AI to help you become a qualified Evil Fall fighter. Of course, you can also use the Fallen Halo to brainwash your friends and become Fallen combatants together. We will continue to make full-body evil fallen equipment in the future, so stay tuned. 倒れた戦闘員の前菜はもちろん、独自の催眠音声付き洗脳アイマスク。 AI によって合成された催眠音声が組み込まれており、資格のある Evil Fall ファイターになるのに役立ちます。もちろん、Fallen Halo を使用して友達を洗脳し、一緒に Fallen 戦闘員になることもできます。 今後も全身悪堕ち装備を製作してまいりますので、ご期待ください。 同梱物 included thing unitypackage file: 1. fbx and material 2. prefabe with MA script for Mask and Ring. In three kinds of language 3. Control FX, menu and menu icon 4. voice sourse for hyposis How to Use Just Put the prefabe to your avatar. You can adjust the mask by blendshape and change its position. 条款: Please see VN3 更新履歴 2024/5/24 v1.01 Improve the MA scropt and animation of Ring System. Fix the Height when the ring is taken by others 2024/5/23 v1.0 ・販売開始 Contact YaokiSub https://twitter.com/Yaokiiii Discord: yaoki1883